“I have enjoyed 2 float sessions so far at Ebb & Float. Both experiences were unique and amazing. I left feeling rejuvenated in mind, body and spirit. ”
How Floating Works
Floating is about doing absolutely nothing, and loving it. Come to our float spa at Ebb & Float to get off the grid, even if it's just for an hour. Floating does your mind, body and spirit good — take a break with us.
You will float effortlessly in heated water with a high concentration of salt (it's just science, but it feels magical). Lay back to let your body be removed from gravity and relax your mind.
Health Benefits
- Manage pain and accelerate recovery
- Relieves muscle tension
- Reduces stress, depression and anxiety
- Balances sleep patterns
- Stimulate creativity and cognitive performance
- Alleviate pregnancy discomfort
- Complete mental and physical relaxation
About Float Therapy
Many natural approaches to promoting healing only focus on one aspect of a person. What if experiencing complete relaxation only required you to float peacefully and comfortably in warm water for an hour?
At Ebb & Float, we bring unique natural healing to the greater Columbus community. Our friendly staff will help you find the right float tank style for your needs. We help balance your mind, body, and spirit, and find peace and rejuvenation.
What is Float Therapy?
Float therapy is a way to deeply relax in a way that blocks out all of modern life’s distractions, allowing your mind and muscles to release all their tension, so you can breathe easier and settle into a deep state of peace and calm.
Why Float?
Burnout doesn’t just live in your mind, it lives in your body. When you nervous system is stuck in fight-or-flight mode, floating helps shift you into rest-and-digest. It’s important to understand that relaxation is not a luxury. It’s our bodies way of finding balance. A regular float practice can help regulate, reset and build lasting resilience. Discover the shift from stress to serenity.
Is Float Therapy a New Practice?
Floatation tanks have been used since the 1950s. Although isolation tanks saw renewed popularity during the 1980s, they’ve only recently been the preferred way to unwind in the past few years.
They’re known throughout the world as an effective way of relieving stress. By bringing floatation technology to our community, we’re helping more people discover a deeper level of stress relief and healing.
While the process may not be new, most people haven’t had the opportunity to experience how peaceful they can feel through floating.
Safe & Clean
Float tanks are a safe, reliable way of letting go of stress and tension. The water in each tank is filtered several times between sessions, making it clean and sanitary. Over 1,000 pounds of Epsom salt is dissolved in the water, which helps you float effortlessly in the still, warm water.
The water gets heated to body temperature, creating an immersive, spacious feeling. It’s often hard to tell you’re floating in the water at all because the temperature matches your skin. It’s a uniquely deep meditative experience. Most guests report that they don’t want to get out when their session is over.
Float Tank Options
Whether you prefer a float pod, our open pool style, traditional enclosed tanks, or a modern float cabin we can find the ideal choice for your needs. Our experienced staff will help you decide on the float tank that’s perfect for you.
The Benefits of Float Therapy
Float therapy is one of the most effective ways to calm your mind, body, and spirit, helping you shed stress and tension. Those who have never tried float tanks can look forward to:
Nervous System Regulation
Muscle & Joint Pain Relief
Accelerated Natural Healing
Stress & Anxiety Reduction
Enhanced Sleeping
Improved Creativity
Pregnancy Pain Relief
Mental Rejuvenation
And more healing benefits.
Floating takes pressure off of muscles and joints and helps soothe you into a state of complete relaxation. Whether your body or your mind is keeping you exhausted and stressed, floating helps you wash it all away.
When you need relief from your hectic life, choose Ebb & Float for float therapy.